Monday, January 10, 2011

the kick drum.

today i am listening to: strict machine - goldfrapp
banksy gets sassy.
oh, hello there.
can i be you?
please? k, thnx.
miss hepburn: with a zinger.

"loneliness is this funny little game
that i like to play when i'm all by myself." -tm

hide & seek ---> lovely

i think today
i am going to try to watch mtv's 16 & pregnant. 
what a kick in the pants that show is!
does no one else realize these girls are pregnant in the first place as a byproduct of spending most of their formative years watching the oversexualization of mtv? the show is basically a self-fulfiling prophecy. for real. they create their own characters.

if they never watched mtv, they may never have been watching themselves on mtv now. it's like a riddle inside of a riddle.
(or a baby inside of a baby).

remember that you miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

"i will not mind my manners.
i will mind my mind" - tm

"i loved you. gray sweatpants. no make-up. so perfect." -john mayer

suburbia: just say NO.

the following is not a joke:
today my mom sent me SELF magazine in the mail, with this note attached on a post-it:
the note reads: "I hate the diet articles but maybe the sex article is good LOL"

the woman is classic.

“i’m sorry,” he said finally.
 “i’m still trying to figure out how to live.”
“that’s ok. you can have some time.”
he nodded,
taking note of the word some
–jonathan franzen, freedom

here's a pic of me and the boyfriend:
if you are here, then i am glowing.
(this is not love- it's my own different breed
of laughter that never goes away.)

35 days to go.

"hey babe- do you have moment?"
"baby, i want you to have all of my moments"
- the boyfriend (swoon)

ok i'm done hollerin'.
i'm going to spend the week counting my blessings, eating spoonfuls of sugar, and pretending that stilettos don't hurt...
until then, rock on out with your bad self.

"rock and roll music, if you like it, if you feel it, you can't help but move to it. that's what happens to me. i can't help it.-elvis presley

xoxo. -tory

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