have you seen this yet? (nsfw) ----> weird foreign shit that i love
(thanks nate, for that gift)
still in north carolina... life is wonderful... the time change is not. but things with the boyfriend are better than ever.
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let's. make. out. |
i can't even tell you how much i hate your dress.
the boyfriend and i have been wreaking havoc on the east coast since i got here. (lots of cocktailing.) very bonnie & clyde circa 2011. (god, that year makes me feel like a grandmother)
anyway, in the blake & tory spirit of bonnie & clyde, i wanted to share this amazing photoshoot from one of my favorite photographers aram bedrossian:
wow, i don't hate him...
but mostly, i don't hate him:
here' the boyfriend and i with colonel sanders:
today the boyfriend and i are going to cavort around wilmington, since it will be his only day off while i'm here... apparently there is a beach town-esque tourist-y area that i will most likely enjoy. i'd really like to find some vintage shops here... i wonder if i can make that happen.
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vintage or bust. |
i got de-friended on facebook yesterday by someone who i wouldn't choose to be friends with regardless, but it really made me laugh inside that she spent the time to click "de-friend".
who are these people and who let them out of high school when they quite obviously belong there?
remember that being kind to people never goes out of style.
and this crazy-ass chick never really had a sense of style anyway... so no surprises there.
(especially because within the first two hours of meeting this person, she told me that she hasn't had sex without crying in 5 years.... and that her sister is addicted to heroin and has orgies. so abnormal). AND WHO TELLS PEOPLE THAT? keep your business in your back pockets, please. i don't need to access that information.
ok that's enough wasted time on ugly-hearted people.
back to prettier things:
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i need this chalkboard to list my cheese selection. |
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doodle-y doo. |
"just remember,
the same as a spectacular Vogue magazine,
remember that no matter how close you follow the jumps: continued on page whatever.
no matter how careful you are,
there's going to be the sense you missed something,
the collapsed feeling under your skin
that you didn't experience it all.
there's that fallen heart feeling that you rushed right through the moments where you should've been paying attention.
well, get used to that feeling.
that's how your whole life will feel some day.
this is all practice.
none of this matters.
we're just warming up."
-chuck palahniuk
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(and even after that.) |
get in my sitch.
and feast your eyes on this:
that video is my entire design aesthetic in a fucking nutshell...
did i mention it's fucking freezing here?
holy long johns.
i'm gonna go shuck and jive, blow bubbles, and fiend for a milkshake.
"we do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe"
-johann wolfgang con goethe
xoxo. -tory
i love your blog